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What you need to do :

  1. Click Here to Enter your Java Class (Class name selected by one student cannot be selected by other.)
  2. For entered Java Class; write 5 Attributes, 2 Objects and 5 methods for the Class.
  3. Log in to –> Click on ICSE Java (Computer Application) Course –> Section –>Theory  –> Assignment 1 .      (Please Note:  If you are not enrolled to the course, First enroll before posting your project)
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38 thoughts on “Assignment 1”

  1. Shreyas Kulkarni

    Script for class Dog
    //age, breed, colour, height, weight
    // German Shepherd, Labrador, Golden retriever, Bulldog, Pug
    //Doing tricks()
    //Guarding house()

  2. Vedika Gupta


    Class: Chocolates
    Objects: KitKat, Lindt

    1. Colour: to store the value of the colour of the chocolate eg: white
    2. Flavour: to store the value of the flavour of the chocolate eg: cookies and cream
    3. Texture: to store the value of the texture of the chocolate eg:crunchy
    4. No._of_ chocolate_ pieces: to store the value of the no. of chocolate pieces in one packet eg:two
    5.Colour_ of _the_ wrapper: to store the value of of the colour of the chocolate wrapper eg: red

    1. Purchase_chocolate() : to purchase the chocolate from the shop
    2. Put_chocolate_in _fridge() : to cool the chocolate in the fridge
    3.Open_chocolate_wrapper() : to open the wrapper of the chocolate
    4.Melt_chocolate() : to melt the chocolate
    5. Eat_chocolate(): to eat and finish the chocolate

    public class Chocolates
    //colour_ of _chocolate, flavour, texture, colour_ of _wrapper, No._of _chocolate_pieces
    //KitKat, Lindt

  3. Akshat Prajapati



    1.Speed: it is the speed of the bike eg value: 150km/h
    2.Tyres: the wheels which provide it grip eg value:all terrain tyres
    3.Engine: it gives power to the bikes to move eg value: 500cc engine
    4.Number plate: it is the identification number of the bike eg value: MH 02 BG 1200
    5.Exhaust: it is the part of the bike through which waste air comes out eg value: Mufflers


    public class Bike

  4. Name : ANANYA BIRADAR Class/ Div : 9 B
    Class: Garments


    1) CompanyNumber (): The number address of the company from which garment is bought eg value:0000000
    2)GarmentSize():The size of the selected garment eg value:20
    3)CompanyName():The name of the company from which garment is bought eg value: Shein
    4)DiscountPercentage():The percentage of discount applied on the cost of the garment eg value:0%
    5)DeliveryCharges():The amount to be paid in addition for delivery eg value:$10

    1) to select type of garment
    2)to pay amount online
    3)to enter size of garment selected
    4)to customize name on garment
    5)to return garment back

    public class Garments
    //company_number(), garment_size(), company_name(), discount_percentage(), delivery_charges()
    //select, pay, enter_size, customize, return

  5. Mahendra Kanojia

    Name: Mahendra Kanojia Class IX. DIV -A

    Class : Bank

    Object :
    1) ICICI : its the name of a bank
    2) HDFC : It is the name of a bank

    Variables / Attributes : (store a value)
    1) Department : to store the type of department. eg values : . accounts, insurance.
    2) Home_Loan_Interest : to store value of home loan interest rate. eg value: 10%
    3) Balance : balance amount in the account : eg value: 300.
    4) Customers_Name : to store name of customer. eq, value: Ravi
    5) FD : Amount in fix deposit account.

    Methods : (Actions performed in the software)
    1) Check_Balance_Sheet() : To produce account summary.
    2) to_Withdrawal() : To remove money from account.
    3) to_Deposit (): to add money in the account.

    public class Bank
    //objects : ICICI, HDFC
    // Variables: department, balance.
    // methods : Check_Balance_Sheet()

  6. Vihaan Agrawal

    Name: Vihaan. Class: IX. Div :C

    Class: Furniture
    Object: Bookshelf, Cupboard

    1. Colour: to store the value of colour in the furniture eg: brown
    2. No_of_shelves: to store the value of no of shelves in the furniture eg: four
    3. No_of_drawers: to store the value of no of drawers in the furniture eg: three
    4. Type_of_wood: to store the value of type of wood used in the furniture eg: teak wood
    5. No_of_locks: to store the value of no of locks in the furniture eg: two

    1. Purchase_furniture() : to purchase the furniture from the shop
    2. Place_at_home() : to place the furniture at home
    3. Open_drawer() : to open the drawer
    4. Keep_books() : to keep the books
    5. Lock_drawer to lock the drawer

    public class Furniture
    // Colour, no_of_shelves, no_of_drawers, type_of_wood, no_of_locks
    //Bookshelf, Cupboard

  7. Siddhanth Vengali

    Name: Siddhanth Vengali Class/Div: IX-B


    1) Samsung Galaxy: It is a phone made by Samsung[Company].
    2)iPhone: It is a phone made by Apple Inc.

    1)Mobile_Storage :It is the amount of data, which can be stored in the mobile. eg,64GB
    2)Battery__life :It is the amount of time the phone can work without charging it. eg.3046 mAh
    3)Dark_Mode :It is the new feature which reduces brightness on the screen.
    4)Camera_Quality :It is the clarity of image or video you get on the phone. eg 32MP
    5)Operating_System :It is the working quality of the phone. eg. IOS(Apple’s Operating System)

    1)Click_Pictures():It helps to click photos.
    2)Stores_Data():It stores are photos(memories), contacts(phone no.).
    3)Calls_Contacts():It helps us to call a person.
    4)Calculates_numbers():We can use the calculator which is available on the mobile phone.
    5)Messages_contacts():We can send a message to any person.

    public class Mobile_Phones
    //Samsung Galaxy, iPhone
    //Mobile_Storage, Battery life, Dark_Mode, Camera_Quality, Operating_System

  8. Shreeya Purav

    Name: Shreeya Purav Class: IX Div.:B

    Class: Cartoons

    1) Mickey Mouse: it is the name of a cartoon
    2) Winnie the Pooh: it is the name of a cartoon

    Variables/Attributes: (store a value)
    1) Gender/Animal: to store the gender or animal of the character eg values: girl/dog
    2) Creator_Name: to store the name of creator eg values: Walt Disney
    3) Year_Created: to store the year in which the cartoon was created eg values: 1928
    4) Clothes: to store the type of clothes worn by the character eg values: red shorts
    5) Emotions: to store the type of emotions shown by the character eg values: happiness

    Methods: (Actions performed in the software)
    1) Singing(): to sing a song
    2) Dancing(): to dance to a song
    3) Sleeping(): to sleep when sleepy
    4) Eating(): to eat when hungry
    5) Playing(): to play games with friends

    public class Cartoons
    //gender/animal, creator_name, year_created, clothes, emotions
    //Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh

  9. Name:Megha Salecha ,Class:IX ,Div:C


    1)Size:to store how big or small an animal is .eg:10m long 3m wide
    2)Habitat: to store where the animal lives eg: fishes live in water
    3)Herbivores or carnivores: to store wheather the animal eats plants or meat eg: a tiger eats other animals
    4)Domestic animals: to store whether the animal can be domesticated eg:-cow
    5)Endangered animals :the value is true or false dependind upon the animal is endangered or not .eg :tiger is an endangered animal

    1)to move( ):-to move from one place to another
    2)to eat( ):-to eat ,chew and digest the food eaten
    3)to make sounds( ):-to remove voices
    4)to sleep( ):-go to sleep

    Public class Animals

    //To_move( )
    //Get_ trained( )
    //To_ eat( )
    //To_make_sounds( )
    //To_sleep( )

  10. Akshat Gupta

    Name : Akshat Gupta Class : 9 Div : B

    Class : Sports

    Objects : Indoor Sports, Outdoor Sports (Sports played inside the house and on the playground respectively) eg. Football, Chess, Cricket, Table Tennis
    Attributes : Winner (The one who wins the match) eg. India was the winner in the cricket match.
    Loser (The one who loses the match) eg. Pakistan was the loser in the cricket match.
    Spectator (The one who watches the match) eg. I was a spectator of the badminton match.
    Umpire/Judge (The one who gives a decision) eg. The umpire gave the decision for the badminton rally.
    Substitute (The one who replaces an injured person) eg. The substitute player repalaced the injured player.

    Methods : Hitting the shuttle cock with a racket(In the game of badminton, the cock was smashed with a badminton racket) eg. I smashed the cock with a badminton racket.
    Hitting the ball with a bat (In the game of cricket, we hit the ball with a cricket bat) eg. I hit the ball with my cricket bat.
    Hitting a tennis ball with a racket (In the game of tennis, we hit the tennis ball with a racket) eg. The tennis player hit the tennis ball with his racket.
    Kicking a football (In the game of football, we kick the ball with our foot) eg. I kicked the football into the goal.
    Moving legs up and down (A swimmer swims across a pool) eg. I swimmed across the swimming pool by moving my legs up and down.

    Script for the class Sports

    public class sports
    //Indoor_sports , Outdoor_sports

  11. Talha Shaikh

    Name:talha Shaikh.class:9.div:b
    Objects:persian cat, Siberian cat, rag doll.
    Colour:it refers to colour of cat. eg:grey
    Age:it refers to age of age of cat eg:2 months
    Weight:it refers to weight of the cat eg:2kg
    Breed:it refers to what breed, cat belongs to eg: Persian cat
    Height:it refers to height of cat eg:158cms

    Sleeping:sleeping is a activity/method which a cat does.
    Eating:eating is a activity/method which cat does
    Running:running is a activity/method which a cat does
    Jumping:jumping is a activity/method which a cat does
    Chasing mouse:chasing the mouse is a activity/method which a cat does.

    Public class cat

    //object:persian cat, ragdoll
    //methods:sleeping,eating,jumping,running,chasing mouse.

    Thanking you with regards

  12. Advitha Dinesh

    IX B
    CLASS NAME : House_ Expenses

    1) Groceries
    2) Clothes

    1) Cost – the value of the item
    Eg – ₹ 54
    2) Eco_ Friendly – made out of bio degradable materials
    Eg – jute , cotton
    3) Indian – made in India
    Eg – Basmati_ rice , cotton world
    4) Number_ of_ people_ buying_ it – demand of the people
    Eg – more number of people buy the item , i.e. there is increase in demand
    5) Quality – good material , no adulterants
    Eg – good quality rice , good material of cloth ( durable )

    1) Paying_ for_the _ items() – to pay money and buy the item
    2) Checking_ the _ price()- to on the bill value of the item
    3) Rechecking_ the _ bill() – to ensure that all the items you wanted are there
    4) Asking_for_carry_bag()- to carry the items that you need
    5) Trying_ and_testing()-to try out or test the items you have purchased

    public class house expenses
    // Groceries, clothes
    // cost, Eco_ friendly,Indian, NumberOfPeopleBuyingIt
    // Paying_for_the_items()
    // Checking_the_price()
    // Rechecking_the_bill()
    // Asking_for_carry_bag()
    // Trying_and_testing()


    1) IRCTC Ticket booking
    2)AIR TICketing booking

    Attributes :

    1) Jouring starting from the station to the final destination
    2) Select the date of the Joureny
    3) Slecet the class of the Joureny eg : business class or Economy class for air Ticketing booking
    4) In train ticket booking slection between 1st AC, 2nd AC, 3rd AC

    Methods :
    1) Select the train name eg: Duronto Express.
    2) Selection of class like 1st AC , 2nd AC ,3rd AC.
    3) type your name ,age , gender & and preferred berth or seat.
    4) review joureny details eg: name gender age and berth.
    5) After reviewing the journey details, proceed to make payment .
    6) Enter your card details for making payment.
    7) Agter making payment the site is redirected with confirmation and allocation of bertths and a unique 10 Digit code , for air ticket booking the site is redirectd with a alphanumeric code.
    8) Acknowledgement of the booking on Registered Email and Mobile.

    plubic class train:

    // remove train ticket
    //select your destination
    // Acknowledgement of the booking on Registered Email and Mobile

  14. Tanushree Kamble


    CLASS: Stock _Management

    Object :

    Attributes :
    1)Company_name():From where the packed bottles are ready for disturbution. eg value:Bisleri
    2)Delivery_charges():The amount to be paid in addition for delivery. eg value:$50
    3)Discount_percentage():The percentage of discount applied on the bottles. eg value:10%
    4)Quantity():Number of bottles packed properly. eg value:60
    5)Packing_quality():Is the bottles packed properly. eg value:Number of bottles in the box.

    1)Punching order of order received.
    2)Tax Invoice to be raised against order.
    3)Delivery challan
    4)Acknowledge for the goods delivered.
    5)Transportation: arranging of vehicle as per order quantity.

    public class Stock Management :
    //1 litter, 2litter
    //company _name (),delivery _charges (),discount &percentage (),packing _quality ()
    //punching, tax_invoise,delivery_chalar,
    acknowledge, transportation

  15. Dhruvesh Dodia

    Name : Dhruvesh Dodia Std :IX ‘A’ Roll no. : 9

    Class name : Laptops

    Objects : macbook , dell , etc.

    Attributes : 1. Processor: to store the value of type of processor . Eg – Core
    2. storage capacity : to store the value of amount of storage capacity.
    3. RAM : To store the value of amount of Ram capacity of the laptop
    4.colour : To store the value of the type pf colour of laptop.
    5.Web Cam availability : to store the value of the availability of webcam.

    Methods :1. Buying_a_laptop: to purchase a laptop.
    2.To_charge_the_laptop : For providing power supply to the laptop
    3.to_open_rocktheit : To surf on rocktheit to complete assignment.
    4.to_put_antivirus : to pit antivirus software to protect from viruses .
    5.to_switch_off_laptop: to switch of the laptop after use.

    Public class Laptops
    //Macbook , Dell
    //processor , storage_capacity , RAM , colour , webcam_availability

  16. Simran Patadia


    CLASS : Fast Food Items
    OBJECTS: Pizza, Garlic Bread

    1. Taste – includes the ingredients for the toppings of the value, eg: cheese
    2.Texture – includes how crispy, soft or chewy your value is ,eg: soft
    3. No._of_ pieces – refers to the no.of pieces of the value, eg: 6 pieces
    4.Price – includes the price of the value, eg: Rs. 350
    5.Packaging – it describes the packaging of the value, eg: square box

    1.purchasing_pizza() – to purchase the pizza from the restraunt
    2.open_the_box() – to remove the pizza from the box
    3.put_it_in_the_oven() – to heat it
    4.add_the_seasonings() – to make the pizza tasty
    5.eat_it() – to eat the pizza and finish it

    //Pizza, Garlic Bread

  17. Harshita Kanojia

    Name: Harshita Kanojia STD/DIV:9 B


    OBJECT :-
    1] Corona
    2] Ebola

    1] No_of_patients – To store the number of patients. eg- 100 patients
    2] No_of_countries – To store the number of countries affected by diseases. eg- 50 countries
    3] Types_of_medicines – To store the types of medicines used for cure. eg- REGN-EB3 ( Ebola)
    4] No_of_patients_recovered – To store the number of patients recovered from the diseases. eg- 90 patients
    5] No_of_researchers – To store the number of researchers involved in finding the solution. eg- 60 researchers

    METHODS :-
    1] To_test_diseases ()- to test the sample of infected person.
    2] To_observe() – to observe a person after tested positive.
    3] Accounting_medicines()- to keep an account of the medicines used.
    4] logging_patients()- to log in the name of the patients.
    5] Exporting_medicines()- to keep a record of amount of medicines exported.

    public class pandemic

    // No_of_patients_recovered
    // No_of_researchers

    //To_test_diseases ()
    // Accounting_medicines()
    // logging_patients()
    // Exporting_medicines()

  18. janhavi kotian

    Name:Janhavi Kotian Class:IX Div:A



    1)No_of_Goods_Produced:the no of goods e.g. value 120

    2)No_Of_Goods_consumed:the no of goods consumed e.g. value 90

    3)Ware_housing:to store the goods e.g.value 30

    4)Net_Margin:it is the total profit or loss e.g.value 20%

    5)Transportation_vehicle:it is the vehicle that the goods go e.g.value truck


    1)to_move():to move from one place to other

    2)to_produce():to make goods

    3)to_calculate():to produce summary of loss and gain

    4)to_sell():to purchase goods

    5)to_transport():to move raw material/goods

    Public Class Industry









  19. Class: hotel
    Name: pranav patel
    Std:9th div: c
    Object : 1) amar juice centre
    2) jyoti

    Attributes :

    1) housekeeping department : keeps the hotel clean and tidy eg :sodexo

    2)cooks: makes delicious food for customers eg : mini punbaj carters

    3) vaiters: people who serve the food to customer

    4) account department : makes bill

    5) purchase department: people who look after ration of hotel


    1) customer places the order

    2) the cook makes the food ordered by the customer

    3) the vaitor brings the order

    4) the customer eats the food and pays the bill

  20. Pavithra Achar

    Name: Pavithra Achar XI-B
    Class: Books
    Objects: 1)Textbook
    2) Encyclopedia

    1)Book_Genre: What genre is the book about.Eg:Fantasy
    2)No._Of_pages: The total no. Of pages.Eg: 500 pages
    3)Title: The title of the book. Eg: Harry Potter
    4)Author: The author of the book. Eg: J.k Rowling
    5)Publisher: The publisher of the book. Eg: Bloomsbury Publishing

    1)To_buy(): To buy the book from the bookstore
    2)To_Open(): To open the book
    3)To_read(): To read a few pages
    4)To_mark(): To bookmark the page you have reached
    5) To_close(): To shut the book

    public class Books
    //Textbook, Encyclopedia
    //Book_Genre, No._of_pages, Title, Author, Publisher

  21. Name: Shreyas Kulkarni 9/C

    Class: Dogs

    Objects: i) German Shepherd: It is breed of dog
    ii) Labrador: It is breed of dog

    i) Age: to store age of the dog; eg- 3 years
    ii) Breed: to store breed of the dog; eg- Pug
    iii) Colour: to store colour of the dog; eg- black
    iv) Height: to store height of the dog; eg- 75 cm
    v) Weight: to store weight of the dog; eg- 7.1 kg

    i) To_bark(): to bark at someone
    ii) To_sleep(): to sleep for sometime
    iii) To_do_tricks(): to do tricks like ‘sit’ and ‘paw’
    iv) To_guard_house(): to guard house from strangers
    v) To_eat(): to eat food

    public class Dogs
    //Age, Breed, Colour, Height, Weight
    //German Shepherd, Labrador

  22. class:-classroom


    students:-for learning
    banch:-for sitting
    black board:-for teachers to teach
    teachers desk:-for teachers to sit
    clock:-for seeing time

    2. sitting on_banch
    3.teachers_ come
    4. stand_ up:-for wishing and saying prayers
    5. start_teaching

    public class classroom

    //sitting on _banch()

  23. Yashica Kapahi

    Name: Yashica Kapahi
    Class: IX Div: B
    Class: Mall
    Object: 1) Oberoi Mall
    2)Infiniti Mall
    3)Inorbit Mall
    1) Shpos: to store a variety of things eg value: clothes shop, food court, electronics shop.
    2) Cinema: to show people movies eg value: PVR ICON, INOX Megaplex
    3) Game Zone: to let children play games eg value: Namco, Fun City
    4) Restroom: to allow people to refresh eg value: ladies restroom, gents restroom
    5) Emergency exits: to exit in case of emergency eg value: fire exit
    1) Buy_Clothes( ): to buy clothes
    2) Pay_Bills( ): to give money in exchange for items
    3)Play_Games( ): to play games in game zone
    4) Eat_Food( ): eat food in foodcourt

    public class Mall
    // Oberoi mall, Infiniti mall, Inorbit mall
    //shops, cinema, game_zone, restroom, emergency_exits
    //Buy_Clothes( )
    //Pay_Bills( )
    //Play_Games( )
    //Eat_Food( )

  24. Lakshikaa Bhandari



    ATTRIBUTES: QUALITY: quality of the things in the store how good or bad it is
    QUANTITY:no.of electronics in the 12 pieces of iphone
    CLEANLINESS:the shop should be clean in order to attract more people
    STAFF: people who can guide the customers the quality of a specific thing
    SECURITY: cctv are installed for any theft or crime

    METHODS: TO_GUIDE: To guide the customer
    TO_CLEAR BILLS: To give bills to the customer
    DISCOUNT: to give discount to the customer
    TO_SERVE: to give the customers water if required
    TO_EXPLAIN : to give a brief of the devices

    public class:electronic shop
    // to_guide()
    // to_serve()

  25. Dhwanika Rajput


    1)Length of phone:as the screen is broader or narrower e.g A30 Has narrower screen than NOTE GALAXY 10 PLUS
    2)NO.OF USERS:as no. of users are more or less
    3)NO. OF CAMERA:No of camera varies from phone to phone
    4)NO. OF APPS:no. of apps varies from user to user
    5)no. of keys: A smart phone has in built keys like home key ,exit key,history key

    1)DOWNLOAD APP : IT helps us to install games,song app ,movie app e.g spotify,pubg,hotstar
    2)Net banking:to transfer money from one account to other or used to pay bills e.g recharge of TV
    3)CALL CONTACT:It helps to cal a person e.g I am calling to Yashica
    4)CLICKING PICTURES:it helps to click pictures
    5)calculates no.:it uses calculator to add ,subract,muntiply,divide

    public class samsung phones
    //A30, A71
    //No. of users,No. of camera,No of keys,No. of apps,Length of phone

  26. Nikita joshi

    Objects:1)Holy Spirit Hospital
    2)Seven hills hospital

    1)no_of_departments:the number of departments for registration. eg-Five
    2)no_of_beds:The number of beds for the patient to lie on. eg-10
    3)no_of_patients: The number of patients registered. eg-100
    4)Staff_present: The staff present to take care of the people around. eg-nurses,sweepers.
    5)types_of_doctors: The different fields of doctors present. eg-dentist,peaditrician.

    Methods:to_register():registration in the counter
    2)to_make_an_appointment():make an appointment with the doctor
    3)make_payment_for_the _test():to make payment for the blood test,sugar test etc.
    4)to_collect_report():collect the report from the counter
    5)to_show_report_to_the_doctor();after collecting the tests to show them to the doctor
    6)to_pay_for_medicines():make payment for the prescription

    public class hospitals
    //objects:holy spirit hospital,seven hills.
    //variables:no of departments,no of beds,no of patients.
    //methods:register,make an appointment,make payment,get the test done,collect report,show report to the doctor,pay for the medicines

  27. Vidhika Mishra

    Vidhika Mishra 9C
    Objects:1)Bombay Cambridge
    2)CNMS school
    Attributes :
    1)no_of_ departments:no of departments for teaching. eg-seven
    2)no_of_teachers:no.of teachers for teaching. eg:15
    3)no_of_classes:no.of classes where students are taught eg-20
    4)staff_present:The staff present to teach the students eg-20
    5)types_of_teachers:different teachers present for different,math
    Methods :to_register():register for teaching job
    2)to _take _an _appointment() :to take a appointment with the principal of the school
    3)to_prepare _documents():to prepare documents for showing
    4)to_meet_the_principal():to meet and talk to the principal regarding the job
    5)to_be_ready_for_job() :if selected then be ready and join the school
    Private schools
    //objects:Bombay Cambridge, CNMS School.
    //variables:no of departments, no of teachers, no of students
    //methods:register, take an appointment, prepare documents, meet principal, join the job

  28. Tanushree Kamble

    Explain the following terms:

    1-Source code:-
    Ans-Progamme written in Java using high level. This code is written by programme. Source code is saved in “Java evetenstion”.
    Eg- public class Source_Code_Demo

    2-Java Compiler:-
    Ans-A Java Compiler is a program that takes the Java (Source_Code_Demo.Java) text files which include Java programme . Compiler it into a platform-independent. Whole code at one.

    3-Byte code:-
    Ans- Byte code is a machine language of Java virtual machine. Byte code is a programme code that has been complied from source code is designed for software interpreter. It is executed by vitrual machine (such as J V M) futher complained into recongized by process. Error free code

    Ans- Java interpreter translates the Java Byte code into the code that can be understood by J.V.M is set of interpreters. Interpretes line by line.

    Ans- The byte code is input to JVM which is set of different interpreter. Java Virtual Machine acts as a run time engine to run Java application J V M is on that actually calls the main method of presenting Java code – Java application are called WORA (write the run anywhere).
    Byte code and Java virtual machine makes Java platform independent.

    Ans-The Java. Runtime enviorment is software layer that runs on top of computer’s operation system, providing additional service specfic of Java.

  29. Tanushree Kamble

    Explain the following terms:

    1-Source code:-
    Ans-Progamme written in Java using high level. This code is written by programme. Source code is saved in “Java evetenstion”.
    Eg- public class Source_Code_

    2-Java Compiler:-
    Ans-A Java Compiler is a program that takes the Java (Source_Code_Demo.Java) text files which include Java programme . Compiler it into a platform-independent. Whole code at one.

    3-Byte code:-
    Ans- Byte code is a machine language of Java virtual machine. Byte code is a programme code that has been complied from source code is designed for software interpreter. It is executed by vitrual machine (such as J V M) futher complained into recongized by process. Error free code

    Ans- Java interpreter translates the Java Byte code into the code that can be understood by J.V.M is set of interpreters. Interpretes line by line.

    Ans- The byte code is input to JVM which is set of different interpreter. Java Virtual Machine acts as a run time engine to run Java application J V M is on that actually calls the main method of presenting Java code – Java application are called WORA (write the run anywhere).
    Byte code and Java virtual machine makes Java platform independent.

    Ans-The Java. Runtime enviorment is software layer that runs on top of computer’s operation system, providing additional service specfic of Java.

  30. Tanushree Kamble

    Explain the following terms:

    1-Source code:-

    Ans- Programme written in Java using high level. This code is written by programme. Source code is saved in “Java exetenstion”.
    Eg- public class Source_Code_demo.

    2-Java Compiler:-
    Ans-A Java Compiler is a program that takes the Java (Source_Code_Demo.Java) text files which include Java programme . Compiler it into a platform-independent. Whole code at one.

    3-Byte code:-
    Ans- Byte code is a machine language of Java virtual machine. Byte code is a programme code that has been complied from source code is designed for software interpreter. It is executed by vitrual machine (such as J V M) futher complained into recongized by process. Error free code

    Ans- Java interpreter translates the Java Byte code into the code that can be understood by J.V.M is set of interpreters. Interpretes line by line.

    Ans- The byte code is input to JVM which is set of different interpreter. Java Virtual Machine acts as a run time engine to run Java application J V M is on that actually calls the main method of presenting Java code – Java application are called WORA (write the run anywhere).
    Byte code and Java virtual machine makes Java platform independent.

    Ans-The Java. Runtime enviorment is software layer that runs on top of computer’s operation system, providing additional service specfic of Java.

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